Tuesday, April 7, 2009

One Line Plot

I am slowly catching up on last week's posts for Inspiration Underground

This is my submission for One Line Plot where we were to pick 5 books and summarize them in one line.

I have been putting it off and moving other projects in front of it... sorry.

Here's my go:

The Book Thief (Markus Zusak): A young girl learns the power of words, while death tells a tale of another hard days work.

Paper Towns (John Green): Searching for the enigmatic Margo Roth Spiegelman, Quintin follows clues she willingly and unwillingly left behind.

Twilight (Stephenie Meyer): Blossoming love between the unlikeliest pair, the vampire hero saves his beloved damsal in distress but refuses to make her immortal. (*gasp* OH, Edward, MY hero! *gasp*)

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (J.K. Rowling): Surrounded by good friends and dark enemies, a young boy finds acceptance in the foreign world of Magic.

The Graveyard Book (Neil Gaiman): Raised by the dead, young Nobody Owens is safe from the Jack that killed his parents as long as he is disciplined enough to stay within the walls of the graveyard he calls home.

I am going to try to catch up on another submission for Inspiration Underground today. You should play too www.inspirationunderground.com

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